Consulting Arborist Services
A Consulting Arborist can help you with questions and care for your trees, garden and yard. Our Garden and Tree Health evaluations range from an informal verbal walk-thru identifying areas for improvement and/or providing plant and disease identification, to formal written reports.
Healthy and attractive landscapes can be maintained if disorders are accurately diagnosed and appropriately treated.
We practice Plant Health Care and Integrated Pest Management, which are non-toxic ways to improve the overall plant health in a yard through proper selection, mulching, supplemental watering, removing problem plants and replacing with attractive low maintenance alternatives.
Services include but are not limited to: Plant Identification, Pest and Pathogen Diagnosis and Management Plans, Native and Critical Area Restoration, Advice and Planning for Construction, Planting and Transplanting, Situational Consulting
To speak with a Consulting Arborist call Justina.
Champion Tree Care Office Phone (425) 353-5434 or Email:
Doing service in Everett, Lynnwood, Bothell, Lake Forest Park, Redmond, Woodinville, Mill Creek, Seattle.

Canker caused by Nattrassia

Red Maple leaf with herbicide damage

Fruiting body at base of tree