Tree Planting
Newly planted trees benefit from proper installation and improved cultural conditions. We are always disappointed to hear about trees that were planted at the wrong time of year without proper follow up care and then left to slowly die.
Having healthy trees that are a asset to your property starts with tree selection. Planting the right tree for the right spot begins with selecting a tree species that will thrive in the unique conditions of each micro environment.
When a tree has to be removed, it is important to replant a new tree whenever possible because trees offer so many benefits to humans and our urban environment:
- Plants absorb heat
- Modify wind speeds
- Provide shade and cooling
- Purify air by removing pollutants
- Absorb carbon dioxide
- Release oxygen
- Moderate sound and noise
- Control erosion
- Visual pleasure and Aesthetics
- Added Real-Estate value
- Human psychological health benefits

This newly planted Western Red Cedar has been mulched with a ring of wood chips.

Planting Hawthorn trees in Mukilteo.

Tree planting in Edmonds, WA.